Support the Arts and Advertise with BYPC!

2018-2019 Production Program Cover

2018-2019 Production Program Cover

Your tax deductible donation helps BYPC to provide the opportunity to experience the arts to students who might not otherwise have the chance.

Each year BYPC invites local businesses to show their support for the arts while gaining exposure to families and friends of BYPC by sponsoring an advertisement in our program. We hope that you will join us this year!

The Bedford Youth Performing Company is a 501c3 non-profit performing arts school whose mission is to grow the gifts unique in each child through the performing arts. We strive to achieve our mission by offering a strong curriculum in dance, theatre and music programs and our Creative Kids Preschool program, and in a variety of preschool and enrichment classes in Science, Mathematics and Literacy. 

Our belief that all children deserve an education in the arts regardless of their physical, cognitive, emotional, financial, or social challenges. BYPC’s Circle of Giving Program allows us to take this mission outside of the walls of our Bedford studio and bring classes and performances to deserving students that might not have such opportunities. Support for these programs and the ability to provide financial aid in cases of need, comes in large part from the support of the local business who are our generous sponsors.

We have begun to organize our 2019/2020 program which will be used for all of our productions, recitals and concerts throughout the school year. We are currently well into rehearsals for the 23rd production of The Best Christmas Pageant Ever and have over 50 performers in this beloved holiday show. On the heels of our December 6 & 7 performances we’ll be auditioning performers for our March musical The Little Mermaid and our elementary show Frozen the Musical which will take the stage in April. Our year rounds out with our Year End Performance for dance and performance students and a series of concerts and recitals for music and voice students.

Ad Pricing

Quarter Page Ad (2x5) $200
Half Page Ad (4x5) $350
Full Page Ad (8x5) $500
Ads should be submitted in PDF form, if you need assistance in the layout of your ad BYPC please let us know.

The Bedford Youth Performing Company is a 501c3 non-profit performing arts school whose mission is to grow the gifts unique in each child through the performing arts. We strive to achieve our mission by offering a strong curriculum in dance, theatre and music programs and our Creative Kids Preschool program, and in a variety of preschool and enrichment classes in Science, Mathematics and Literacy. 

Our belief that all children deserve an education in the arts regardless of their physical, cognitive, emotional, financial, or social challenges. BYPC’s Circle of Giving Program allows us to take this mission outside of the walls of our Bedford studio and bring classes and performances to deserving students that might not have such opportunities. Support for these programs comes in large part from the support of local businesses. 

Please submit the form below or call BYPC at 472-3894 for more information about supporting the arts by purchasing an ad in BYPC’s 2019/2020 program!