BYPC Chosen as Business of the Month

Straight "A" Nation Television has chosen BYPC as Business of the Month, February 2015.  BYPC's own Jeff Davison sat down with Felix Alvarado of Straight "A" Nation and talked about BYPC's history since opening in 1996.  

Straight "A" Nation's BCTV Television Program is designed to be both informative and entertaining!  Mr. "A" covers important topics about which parents and students want and need to know.  The Straight "A" Nation Television Program is part of a greater community-wide initiative to elevate the level of education in Bedford and beyond.  The monthly tv program is designed to be as fun as it is informative. Special segments highlight individuals in the community who are making a difference.  And the Straight "A" Nation Team challenges the entire community to increase its vocabulary and collective IQ.  The Program will available daily at select times on BCTV Channel 16 or 23.