Southern New Hampshire's Best Performing Arts School

Your Home for Music, Dance, and Theatre Education

Kindermusik and Creative Kids Preschool


Join the Bedford Youth Performing Company family and open the doors to endless opportunities. Our nonprofit performing arts school in Bedford, New Hampshire invites students of all ages and levels to attend music, dance, and theatre group classes and private lessons. In encouraging environments led by experienced faculty members, students flourish in finding and growing their unique talents.


Growing the gifts unique in each child through the performing arts!

Performance Driven

Our performing arts school creates a comprehensive circle of learning where students study, perform, and then return to developing their skills further. Students begin in a nurturing classroom environment and then get a chance to showcase their hard work on stage during our musical theatre productions, dance recitals, and concerts. But what makes BYPC different is that the learning doesn’t stop there! Our experienced faculty teams up back up with students and uses performance feedback to help them follow their individual dreams.

Community Oriented 

Bedford Youth Performing Company's mission is to grow the gifts unique in each child through the performing arts, and we believe every child should have access to quality art education. Our Circle of Giving community outreach program works toward this throughout the greater Manchester, NH area. Students are invited to share the gifts they develop at BYPC with others through educational programming, fundraising, and free community events. We give a heartfelt thanks to all of our volunteers and donors who support us and make the Circle of Giving possible! 

What are you waiting for? Contact us with any questions — or register and get involved today!